Đại học Công nghiệp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Viện Tài chính - Kế toán
Đại học Công nghiệp TP.HCM
Đại học Công nghiệp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Viện Tài chính - Kế toán
Đánh giá Sinh viên
Chủ đề năm học
Đánh giá sinh viên
Ngày đăng: 10-07-2014 - Đăng bởi: Nguyễn Thanh Bình

The Course Performance Achievements of BOA are uated by the following criteria: Module scores, grade point average (GPA) of the semester, Cumulative credits and Cumulative GPA.

Evaluation of the Course Performance Achievements:  In the educational program of BOA, there are the following courses: theoretical courses , theoretical – practical courses, practical courses.

  • For theoretical courses: The criteria which are used  for assessing the theoretical courses includes regular test scores, midterm test scores and final test scores multiplied by the weight of criteria scores.
  • For both theoretical and practical courses: Theoretical module score is the result of regular test scores, midterm test scores and final test scores multiplied by the weight of item scores. Practical module scores are the average of two score columns (in which the first is the general average of the practical exercises and the second is the score of compound practice).
  • For the module of the practical courses, there should be at least 2 columns of points for modules with 1 to 3 credits and 3 columns of points for modules with 4 credits or more. The final results of the practical courses is the average of columns of points for the practical modules in the courses. Students in the same practical courses must have the same number of point column for practical modules.
  • The Internship courses have only one column of scores (rounded to one decimal number).

The final results of modules/ courses are the sum of all parts scores of courses multiplied by the corresponding weight. The module grade is rounded to a decimal number on a scale of 10, and then converted to a point scale of letters ABCD as follows:

a. Passed Points


Grade Scale of 10

Grade Scale of 4

Grade Scale of Letters


9,0 - 10




8,5 - 8,9




8,0 - 8,4




7,0 - 7,9



6,0 - 6,9




5,5 - 5,9



5,0 - 5,4




4,0 - 4,9




Performance Achievements of Extracurricular Activities.

Assessing the Student's Performance Achievements of Extracurricular Activities according to the following criteria:

1. Awareness of study;

2. Attitude to perform the internal rules and regulations in the university;

3. Sense of participation in political, social, cultural, artistic and sports activities, prevention and combating of crimes and social evils;

4. Awareness of citizens in community relations;

5. Consciousness and achievement of participating in the work of a leader in the class, unions and other organizations in the university

The Student's Performance Score of Extra-curricular Activities is calculated on the scale of 100 points. The process of classification and assessments Student's Performance Achievements of Extra-curricular Activities are provided in the Orientation Education Books issued by The Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City.

The registration process for extracurricular activities is available online on the website of the Office of Student Affairs: http://ctsv.iuh.edu.vn

The assessment and uation of Extracurricular Activities is done every semester, and the result is used as a criterion in:

  1. Consideration for capstone projects,
  2. Consideration for scholarship,
  3. Discipline or reward,
  4. Dismissal or suspension: students whose Extracurricular Activities are assessed as Poor in two consecutive semesters are suspended for at least a semester, starting from the following semester. The second time students are graded as Poor for two consecutive semesters, they will be dismissed.
  5. Consideration for dormitory accommodation,
  6. Consideration for part-time jobs,
  7. Consideration for exemption from expenses of services and other activities in the dormitory and other advantages according to the regulations of the university.

Students with excellent Extracurricular Activities will be considered by the University to be commended and rewarded.


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